The Character Performer

On January 30, 2017, just as Leonard Rota and I moved into apartment 3009 at Vista Way in Orlando for our Disney College Program, we found one of the beds in the other room of the apartment already taken. We wondered if the bed was occupied by Alante Jackson, our third roommate with whom we've … Continue reading The Character Performer

The Partying Swiftie Cook

Leonard Rota and I have been chatting with our third roommate for quite some time. Move-in day had arrived, January 30, 2017, Leonard and I finished our check-in and were granted the keys to apartment 3009 at Vista Way in Orlando. Big and spacious, way more than enough for four people, this humble abode was … Continue reading The Partying Swiftie Cook

The Philly/Jersey Boy

While I was in college, I didn't have roommates because I drove every day. As a Scout, I've learned to share a tent, bunk or a cabin with my fellow Scouts on a short term, less than a week. But my first ever roommate came from the east of the United States, a state called … Continue reading The Philly/Jersey Boy